How does Firefox decide which font to render? It renders the Wikipedia headlines in Nimbus Roman, which is ugly, the CSS says 'Linux Libertine','Georgia','Times','Source Serif Pro',serif
and I installed Linux Libertine and configured it so that it is matched by the system:
~> fc-match "Linux Libertine, Georgia, Times, Source Serif Pro, serif"LinLibertine_R.otf: "Linux Libertine O" "Regular"
But Fixefox apparently wants the name to match exactly, Linux Libertine O
works, although I put
<alias binding="same"><family>Linux Libertine</family><accept><family>Linux Libertine O</family></accept></alias>
in /etc/fonts/conf.d/90-fonts-linux-libertine.conf
. Does Firefox only look at the OTF files and its embedded family names?